Immune Support It is essential for the immune system to function properly so that we can stay alive and healthy. Our body is fighting every day against germs, microorganisms, viruses, toxins and different foreign substances. Although we don't feel it, our immune system is working continuously. Bad eating habits, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, stress, cigarettes, alcohol, etc., decrease the functions of the immune system. When this system slows down, diseases begin to appear.Our solutions: Serum therapy: It is based on stimulating the rehabilitating capacity of our body for the prevention and treatment of diseases, so that our defensive system works again in a correct way. Hemotherapy: It is a technique initially described by Dr. Ravaut in 1913 and consists of obtaining a certain amount of blood from a vein and its subsequent injection at the muscular or subcutaneous level for therapeutic purposes, either as the sole treatment of the disease or as an adjunct to other necessary treatment for the patient. Its beneficial action is attributed to the presence of antigens in the blood that will stimulate the production of antibodies when it is reintroduced into the body. The goal of therapy is to increase the immune system's responsiveness to fight disease. Applying your own blood will boost your immunity and overall vitality. That is why this treatment is successful in treating and even curing autoimmune diseases. Who can benefit from the program? Those who want to boost their immune system. Those who want to reduce the risk of developing diseases. Those who often get sick. Those who have cancer, have had cancer treatments, or have a family history of cancer or weakness due to complicated diseases Goals This treatment will help the immune system to function properly, give it a boost, prevent disease, and provide the body with long-lasting resistance .


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What Is Vitamin B 12 ?

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in our body's metabolic processes and overall health. It's essential for the proper functioning of our nervous system, brain and red blood cells. Unlike other vitamins, Vitamin B12 cannot be produced by our bodies naturally. We can only obtain it through dietary sources such as animal products like meat, fish and dairy products or supplements. There are several different forms of Vitamin B12 including methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. Each form has its own unique set of benefits for the body. One of the most important functions of Vitamin B12 is its ability to help produce DNA in our cells. This process helps to create new tissues and repair damaged ones throughout the body. Another vital function of this nutrient is to maintain healthy nerve cells which are responsible for transmitting signals from one part of our body to another. Without enough Vitamin B12 in our diet, we may experience tingling sensations or numbness in different parts of the body due to nerve damage. Getting adequate amounts of Vitamin B12 is vital for maintaining good health and preventing deficiency-related illnesses.

The Different Forms of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient required for the normal functioning of the body. It plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis, red blood cell production, nervous system function and energy metabolism. However, not all forms of Vitamin B12 are created equal. The most common form of Vitamin B12 found in supplements and fortified foods is Cyanocobalamin. This synthetic form requires conversion to its active form through a series of metabolic reactions in the liver. Methylcobalamin is another commonly found form that does not require metabolic conversion to be used by the body. It has been shown to have several health benefits such as reducing inflammation and improving cognitive function. Hydroxycobalamin is also a natural and easily absorbed form of Vitamin B12 commonly used in injections or IV therapy for individuals with severe deficiencies or malabsorption issues. Adenosylcobalamin, also known as dibencozide, is another naturally occurring form that plays a critical role in energy metabolism at the cellular level. While cyanocobalamin may be the most widely available and affordable option on store shelves, there are other superior forms with better bioavailability available. Choosing a high-quality supplement containing methylcobalamin or hydroxycobalamin can improve overall health outcomes for those looking to increase their intake of this vital nutrient.

Health Benefits of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a crucial nutrient that plays an essential role in keeping our bodies healthy. Here are some of the health benefits associated with this vitamin:

  • 1. Boosts Energy Levels: Vitamin B12 helps to convert food into glucose, which provides energy to keep us going throughout the day.

  • 2. Improves Mood and Mental Health: Adequate levels of Vitamin B12 have been linked to improved mood and mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  • 3. Supports Heart Health: Studies have shown that higher levels of Vitamin B12 can reduce homocysteine levels, a risk factor for heart disease.

  • 4. Enhances Digestive Function: This vitamin helps in the production of digestive enzymes, which aid in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients more efficiently.

  • 5. Promotes Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails: Vitamin B12 helps promote cell growth and renewal for healthier skin, hair, and nails.

Incorporating foods rich in Vitamin B12 into your diet or taking supplements can help provide these benefits while maintaining overall good health.

How Much Vitamin B12 Should You Take?

It is important to maintain a balanced intake of Vitamin B12 to avoid deficiencies or toxicity. However, the required amount may differ based on age and specific health conditions. For example, pregnant women require more Vitamin B12 due to their increased demand for nutrients. Vitamin B12 can be taken in various forms such as supplements, injections or through food sources such as meat, fish and dairy products. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements or injections.

In cases where there may be an underlying deficiency, higher dosages may be prescribed by doctors after conducting blood tests and evaluations. Taking excessive amounts of Vitamin B12 does not pose significant risks but it is always best to follow recommended guidelines in order to prevent toxicity levels which can cause mild symptoms like nausea and dizziness. Maintaining adequate levels of Vitamin B12 leads to several benefits including healthier nerve cells, better cognitive function and improved mood regulation amongst many others.

Food Sources of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in many bodily functions. However, since our bodies cannot produce it on their own, we must obtain it from external sources such as food or supplements.

Here are some of the best food sources of Vitamin B12:

  • Meat and Poultry: Beef liver, clams, chicken liver, turkey giblets are all excellent sources of Vitamin B12. Red meats like beef and lamb also have moderate amounts.

  • Seafood: Shellfish like oysters, mussels and crab contain high levels of Vitamin B12 while fish like salmon and tuna have lower levels.

  • Dairy Products: Milk products like cheese and yogurt have good amounts of Vitamin B12 which makes them suitable for vegetarians who consume dairy products.

  • Eggs: Eggs yolks contain small quantities of vitamin B-12.

  • Fortified Foods: Many plant-based foods such as cereals or non-dairy milk alternatives can be fortified with vitamin B-12 to help vegans and vegetarians meet their daily requirements.

It's important to note that people who follow strict vegetarian or vegan diets may need to take supplements to ensure they get enough vitamin B12 since it only comes from animal-derived foods.

Deficiency and Toxicity of Vitamin B12

Deficiency and toxicity of Vitamin B12 are two sides of the same coin. While deficiency can lead to various health problems, including anemia and nerve damage, toxicity is rare but can cause serious side effects. Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs when the body doesn't have enough vitamin B12 to function properly. This can happen due to a poor diet or medical conditions that affect absorption in the digestive tract. Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, tingling sensations in hands and feet, memory loss, depression and others. On the other hand, toxicity from vitamin B12 is rare since excess amounts are easily excreted by the body. However, taking high doses of supplements over long periods may increase levels in your blood causing symptoms such as itching skin or rashes. It's important to note that individuals who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet are more prone to developing a vitamin B12 deficiency since it's mostly found in animal products. Hence they should consider taking supplements regularly. Maintaining adequate levels of Vitamin B12 is crucial for overall well-being but must be done with caution especially regarding supplement intake as they could lead to toxicities if not taken under professional guidance


Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a vital role in maintaining good health. It is crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the production of red blood cells. While most people can get enough Vitamin B12 from their diets, some may require supplements to meet their daily requirements. It's important to consume a balanced diet rich in food sources of Vitamin B12 such as meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Vegetarians and vegans should consider taking supplements or consuming fortified foods as they are at risk of developing deficiencies due to limited dietary intake. While there are several benefits associated with adequate intake of Vitamin B12, excessive consumption may lead to toxicity in rare cases. Before taking any supplements or altering your diet significantly, it's always advisable to consult with your healthcare provider. If you want to improve your general health and sense of well-being, one way to do so is to increase the quantity of vitamin B12 in your diet, either via the foods you eat or through supplements. Therefore, make sure that you are consuming enough amount of this vital mineral on a daily basis. Contact us today for your first appointment.

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